Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 01, 2015

The Dirty Work

Written by Anthony Demangone

Seth Godin delived another gem recently.

The only way to become the writer who has written a book is to write one.

The only way to become the runner who has just finished a run is to go running.

You might dread the writing or the running or the leading, but it's the key step on the road to becoming.

If it's easier, remind yourself what you're about to be.

Many of us have a goal. In our mind, we picture what we want to become. The completed goal always looks wonderful in our imagination. A promotion. A healthier body. Financial security.

But few day dream about the dirty work. The long hours of hard work. The discipline. 

Just like Godin said - you can't become an author without writing a book. You can't run a marathon without miles miles of training. 

If you want to hit the goal, be sure you're OK with the dirty work involved. You can't have one without the other. 


Compliance peeps, NAFCU has turbo-charged its Compliance Webcast offering. In 2016, we'll offer 40+ webcasts, funneled into essential areas: Accounting, Advertising, BSA, CFPB-NCUA, Data Security, HMDA, HR, Loss Prevention, Payments, and Risk Management. 

You can buy each series individually, or you can get all of them at one discounted price.

You and your entire staff can watch all of them live, or on demand. All at one discounted price.

Read all about it here.