Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 11, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Congratulations. You made it to the weekend. Grab a cup of joe, and enjoy the best of this week's reading pile... 

  • Is 15% savings enough for retirement? Perhaps not. (Reuters)
  • The milliennial takeover. (Bloomberg)
  • The future's so bright. (Calculated Risk)
  • Making a new decision. (Godin)
  • 4 simple ways to increase engagement at work. (Smartblogs)
  • Why American wages may go up. (CNN Money)
  • A survey of bank directors believes $1 billion is the magic number. (
  • The intolerance of mediocrity. (John  Spence)
  • Microsoft had the first plan to automate your house. They just didn't execute it. (Business Insider)
  • Read the results of the NAFCU member survey. (NAFCU Today)
