Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 22, 2016

A little weekend blizzard...and some reading

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I'm not a boxer. This likely doesn't surprise you. That being said, I always wondered what it must have been like to face Mike Tyson during his prime. 

As I sit here, waiting for Jonas to descend, I think I have some insight into how it must have been. You know you're going to get punched. Very hard. You just don't know exactly when. And how hard. 

8c84d9f7-53fa-46cd-806e-43fc5ac6b53aAnd for those who don't know how poorly this region handles snow, here's all you need to know. On Wednesday evening, we received roughly 1/2 inch of snow in the DC region.

And Kate and Briggs had a snow day on Thursday. 

Yep, this storm should be fun...

Now, on to the reading pile. 

  • I think we all agree that watching your 401(k) recently is about as much fun as shoveling your car out of a snow drift. turns out that this sort of thing happens all the time. (Reformed Broker)
  • Obvious, or elegant? (Godin)
  • This may sting...Nobody cares about your products or services. (WebInkNow)
  • 25 weird facts about social media that business leaders need to understand. (Inc)
  • What the best business leaders know and do. (HBR)
  • Now THIS is a wake-up call. (YouTube)
  • Sure, you're busy. But are you productive? (Levo)
  • 2016 could be the year of the bank merger. (BankLawyersBlog)
  • The old way of thinking about influence doesn't work anymore. (StaceyHanke)
  • Why are investors (and everyone else) always surprised by surprises? (BigPicture)
  • Walmart is closing 269 stores and laying off thousands. (Business Insider)

 Stay warm, everyone!