Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 29, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Seven days. Seven long days.

Arlington County schools have been cancelled for seven consecutive days. Kate and Briggs have forgotten what school it. Likely, they have forgotten how to spell school. 

Briggs innocently asked what would happen if we have another 2-foot snow storm this week. I was about to answer, but then I thought again.

Anarchy is a bit too mature a subject for a six-year-old.

Now, on to this week's reading pile.

  • This chart is terrifying. And then there were four. (The Visual Capitalist)
  • The potential of mobile for financial services is huge. (Financial Brand)
  • Facebook revenue growth explodes (WSJ)
  • I knew she was behind the blizzard. (Hitfix)
  • Focus on process, rather than outcomes. (WashPost)
  • One of the best infographics I've seen. On millennials. Show this to your board and management team. (Goldman Sachs)
  • Secret behind happiest man on earth. (Business Insider)
  • Perception versus reality. (Invest Accordingly)
  • FinTech disruption: Fact or Fad. (The Big Picture)
  • Yes, Virginia, there is a regulatory burden on small banks. (The Bank Lawyer's Blog)
  • The client versus the customer. Brilliant! (Godin)
  • The incredible story about how Chick-fil-A took over fast food. Every credit union management team should study them! (Business Insider)