Compliance Blog

Nov 25, 2009

Thanks, Everyone

Posted by Anthony Demangone

I just want to take a moment to thank all of you - the faithful readers of the NAFCU Compliance Blog.  When we started this in October of 2007, never did we think the blog would someday have roughly 1,500 daily subscribers.   We hope that this daily labor of love continues to be helpful to you, and that you forgive my occasional ramblings and rants.

I also want to thank NAFCU's members.  Without you, there'd be no blog.  End of story.   Please do not hesitate to contact us whenever you need us.   And make sure you are taking advantage of all of NAFCU's compliance-related benefits. These are times to stretch dollars, whenever possible.

Here are a few other things that make me feel thankful.

  1. I'm thankful for Regulations M and U.  Why?  Because these two regs never change.  And this year, that really means a lot.
  2. For "frequently asked questions" guidance documents.  But only when the agency in question actually announces when they update them.  Yes, HUD...that was meant for you.

  3. For the FTC continuously deciding to delay the compliance deadline for its Red Flags rule.  Sure, this doesn't help federal credit unions.  But when a regulator makes a decision like that, it does raise one's hope that other regulators may follow suit in other areas.

  4. For the Federal Reserve and Rep. Barney Frank.  Why?  Job security for compliance officers.

  5. For my bosses, who let me run with this blog with few questions asked.

  6. For spell-check.  Little buddy,  I know you are not perfect.  But you have saved me from countless mistakes.

  7. For Google, the best research assistant a compliance officer can have.

  8. Speaking of Google, I'm thankful that NCUA added the Google-powered search engine to its redesigned website.  That's about all I'm thankful for concerning NCUA's redesigned website.

  9. For Steve, Sarah and Shari.  Anything that runs well in NAFCU Complianceland is usually due to their efforts.  When things break down, you'll usually see me sheepishly walking away from the crisis, trying not to attract attention.

  10. For Briggs, Kate and Mandy. 

  11. And for each of you still reading this post.  Have a great Thanksgiving!  We're off the rest of the week, returning on Monday.