Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 11, 2018

Two-Thirds of Managers are Afraid of This...

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

A recent Havard Business Review article highlighted a scary survey result. 

Two-thirds of managers are afraid to have conversations with employees. Here are the results from HBR.

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If this affects nearly 70% of managers, chances are that some folks in your shop have the same issue. 

The article gives some good advice on how to have good discussions with employees. But I think it also is important to remember the value of good, frank advice that you received.

I bet all of us can remember when someone gave us frank advice meant to help us. "Paul, you say 'ummm' too much when speaking." "Tina, you are getting the reputation of being late."  "Frank, you get defensive almost immediately when someone disagrees with you." 

I remember clearly when someone gave me fantastic advice.  It wasn't easy to hear, but it was very helpful. 

We all need frank feedback about our performance. All of us. And that means managers need to give it. 

Need a place to start? Look at this 2x2 feedback form.  I think it is a gem of a tool.

Enjoy your Thursday, everyone!