Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 21, 2016

Thursday Grab-Bag

Written by Anthony Demangone

At this year's Strategic Growth conference, there was a fun, impromptu discussion about lighting. 

A number of CEOs in attendance discussed how they've used new technologies in lighting to draw attention to their branches.  

It makes sense - a dark branch at night is hidden to nearly everyone. But a beautifully-lit branch?  It is better than a billboard.

Here is an example of creative lighting being used by Commonwealth Credit Union in Kentucky. 

Pretty slick, eh?

If any of you have creative uses of lighting, shoot me a picture. A number of CEOs and marketing executives at the conference were really interested to see examples. 


Sometimes, you have to see things through a new viewpoint. 

I have a Fitbit, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their fitness. My son Briggs wanted one, so I purchased him a very inexpensive version.

Yesterday, he came home - beaming from ear to ear. 

Dad - we did more than 15,000 steps today!


He and his classmates took turns sprinting around the playground with his "Fitbit" to see how high they could get the step-count. 

How awesome was that? He turned it into a group activity, and reportedly, all had a blast.

Sometimes I forget how much fun you can have...doing anything. 


Finally, I wanted to say thank you.

We've recently completed our CEOs and Senior Executives Conference, and our Strategic Growth Conference.  All of us have talked to hundreds of CEOs and executives. 

We know how hard you work. We know you compete against Wall Street and big Regional Banks. You don't have the budget or the manpower, quite often. But you don't stop. 

You push your teams to new heights. You're growing members and loan portfolios. And your helping America get back on its feet after the Great Recession.

If it feels that no one notices, you are mistaken.

We see what you are doing, and we're proud to work alongside you. All of us at NAFCU believe we're close to a tipping point. We can almost feel it. Please let your teams know we believe in them and your mission. 

And as always, let us know how we can help.Â