Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 29, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Congratulations - you made it through another week! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and enjoy the best of this week's reading pile!

  • Did you see this on NBC News? Mastercard wants to let you pay online with a selfie. This is happening sooner than you think. (NBC News)
  • An international survey about leadership turned up some surprising results. (HBR)
  • I've shared a number of stories about driver-less cars. Here's a bit from the other side, arguing that it may not be as easy to go driver-less as you would think. The key reason? Lobbying. (Inc.)
  • That being said, Google, Ford and Uber have joined a coalition to push self-driving cars. (Business Insider)
  • A retired Navy Seal commander has 12 rules of being an effective leader. They all involve balance. (Business Insider) 
  • Dyson takes on the ... hair dryer. (Inc.)
  • 10 Irrefutable laws of management. (CU Insight)
  • Over-led and under-managed. Another gem from Dan Rockwell. (Leadership Freak)
  • Santander is killing it in England with its 1-2-3 accounts. (BI)
  • Luck may matter more than you think. (The Atlantic)
  • In the Devil You Know, Kevin Funnell discusses payday lending businesses, and asked a question that really gets to the heart of the matter.  (Bank Lawyer's Blog)
  • Change, exhibit # 2,234.  Department stores need to cut one-fifth of stores to regain the productivity of 2006. (WSJ)

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. 
