Musings from the CU Suite

May 24, 2016

Joy, Pride, and Shoelaces

Written by Anthony Demangone

It was a big day in the Demangone household.

Kate and Briggs tied their shoes (both!) all by themselves. 

They were so excited. And very proud. I think Briggs tied and untied his shoes at least 10 times last evening. 

Kate and Briggs, learning at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum this weekend.

I'm not sure when we lose that trait - when we lose that feeling of accomplishment and joy when we pick up a new skill. Maybe some of you never lost it to be begin with. But so often, problems or new processes are seen as a downer. Have to do something new or learn something on the job? Many of us dig our heels in and resist.

Maybe we need to remember what it was like to learn to tie our shoes. The world is full of new things to learn. And each one can fill us with joy and pride.

If we let them in. 


Mark your calendars. Here are our upcoming NAFCU conferences - open to every credit union in the land!