Compliance Blog

Oct 24, 2011

Wedding Weekend; Seminar Week

Written by Steve Van Beek

The 13 months of planning were worth it!  Erin and I had a wonderful weekend with family and friends in Ohio.  Here are a couple of quick photos from Saturday.  



(To get the full effect of the 2nd photo - listen to the intro of "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress.")


I know quite a few of you figured out the timeline:  the wedding fell awfully close to our Compliance Seminar.  The result is spending my first week as a married man away from my wife.  Luckily, I have a very understanding wife!


NAFCU-members:  Sarah and I will both be down at Compliance Seminar all week - so the best way to get in touch with us (unless you're in Orlando!) is to send an email to:  

We will do our best (along with help from our outstanding Regulatory Affairs team), but there will be a delay from our normal response time. Â