Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 14, 2016

Keep Calm and Carry On...

We've all seen that saying before...keep calm and carry on.

The British developed the famous motivational poster in preparation for World War II.

I should hang it on on my office wall!

Twice this week, someone has stopped me to ask if everything was OK. Everything was fine - but my face must have told a different story. 

And I know this to be a fact - during times of stress, I can show signs of consternation as I roll ideas and scenarios through the hamster wheel of my mind. 

This isn't a problem when you're in your office. But out where others can see you, it can affect others.

If people see me stressed out, they'll assume there's a problem that they don't know about. And that can lead to questions and doubt in their minds. 

So part of the gig of leadership is to keep calm. To understand and radiate the calm confidence that this problem, or any problem for that matter, is fixable. 

So, to whomever thought of that poster back in 1939 - cheers, mate. That was an ace of an idea. Brilliant!