Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 22, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Happy Friday, everyone. Settle in, grab a cup of joe, and enjoy the best of this week's reading pile. 

  • Because you need to laugh. Comedians in cars getting coffee. This week? Lorne Michaels. (CICGC)
  • Good comments on the June Housing Starts report. (Calculated Risk)
  • In the UK, cyber-crime overtakes traditional crime. (Krebs)
  • The history of urbanization. Wow, a lot has happened recently. (Ritholtz)
  • The marijuana minefield continues to claim banks. (Bank Lawyer's Blog)
  • The secrets of people who manage to stick to habits. (FastCo)
  • Hotels are tweaking their business mode...with bunk beds. (Hotel News Now)
  • When making decisions, Tony Robbins pictures himself when he's 85 years old. (BI)
  • Get out of bed on the right side! Your morning mood can affect your whole day. (HBR)
  • Unemployment claims dipped. The long-term chart is fairly impressive. (Calculated Risk)
  • Seven elevator conversations. (Leadership Freak)
  • A fascinating read on the Dollar Shave Club and disruption. (Stratechery)
  • Preparing for the generational shift in banking. (FB)

Have a great weekend, everyone!Â