Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 12, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

This U.S. Swimming team has been a pleasure to watch. For as much as people talk about how the games aren't the same anymore, tell me your heart wasn't racing as Phelps or Ledecky hunted down and passed opponents! Seeing athletes perform at that level is a joy. 

Now on to this week's reading pile.

  • A Washington suburban family has 13 kids, one income, no debt, and the father will be able to retire by age 62. Sounds impossible, but not for this family. (Washington Post)
  • The White House thinks Dodd-Frank isn't to blame for the consolidation of community financial institutions. NAFCU disagreed. NAFCU's Carrie Hunt sets the record straight. (NAFCU Today)
  • Do you know what "the historic reversal" is? It will spread to 56 nations by 2030. And it isn't a good thing. (Bloomberg)
  • There is an amazing correlation between mortgage delinquencies and the unemployment rate. (Calculated Risk)
  • A very long and interesting look inside Apple. (Fast Company)
  • How progress occurs. An interesting take on how knowing what you don't know might unlock possibilities. (Common Sense)
  • There's one magic word that can help you become persuasive. If you are willing to try it. (New Yorker Magazine)
  • Perhaps one of the most moving, human stories I've come across. A letter from Fred. Touching. Sad. Full of love. Beautiful. All at once. (YouTube)
  • Wal-Mart just made a move in the online retail space. But boy, do they have a lot of ground to make up. (Business Insider)
  • Is the world really a bad place? An interesting take by Barry Ritholtz. (
  • All of NAFCU's 2017 conferences are here so you can plan for both your calendar and budget. (
  • Facebook is looking 10 years out. (The Verge)
  • It happens around the edges. (Godin)
  • Need a boost? Watch this video! Some choices matter. You matter! (YouTube)

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. 

  • Anthony