Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 16, 2016

The Impossibility of 100%

Written by Anthony Demangone

There's always a skeptic in the crowd. No matter how persuasive you are, someone won't agree. 

Part of me will always be bothered by this. If you have the facts, everyone should agree, right? It can be quite tempting to engage everyone who doesn't see the world your way. 

But people don't always respond to reason. To facts.

And if you spend too much time trying to convert everybody who disagrees, you'll miss opportunities to spread your message to receptive ears.

Case in point: There are people who think the world is flat.

"No, it's a flat, like your head!" (One of my favorite Looney Tunes.)

Read the article. See for yourself. You could try to reason with the "flatters," but something tells me you'd be wasting your time. My gut tells me they like a good conspiracy theory. If you disagree with them, well, you're just part of the conspiracy.

Are credit unions better than banks? I truly believe so. I think we have the facts. 


But I won't argue with someone who has dug in their heels. Once the heels go in, the person has decided they won't move.

And I'd rather spend time one someone who is willing to change their position.Â