Compliance Blog

Jan 03, 2013

Shameless Plug(s): NAFCU's 2013 Compliance Conferences, Webcasts & Products

Written by Steve Van Beek

As 2013 swings into full force, I wanted to take a minute to highlight some of NAFCU's compliance products and services that might help make 2013 a little bit easier.  

Reminder:  All of NAFCU's products and services - including conferences and webcasts - are available to everyone.  You do not need to be a NAFCU member to attend.  You do not even need to be affiliated with a credit union (we have attorneys, consultants, vendors and others attend regularly).  Of course, NAFCU members receive preferred pricing on all products and services.  But, the regulations and laws apply to everyone - so we allow everyone the opportunity to attend and learn.  The goal is to comply regardless of whether your credit union is affiliated with NAFCU or not.  

Interested in NAFCU membership?  Check out our membership page (as well as our 6-month free trial membership program).  We also have a simple calculator that you can use to determine your potential NAFCU dues.  


NAFCU's Credit Union Compliance GPS.  Our completely electronic compliance manual is moving into its third year. To celebrate, we are offering a “Buy the 2012 GPS, Get the 2013 GPS Free” promotion.  The promotion is easy. Buy the 2012 GPS now and we’ll make sure you get a free copy of the 2013 GPS when it is available. The 2013 GPS will be available in mid-March for NAFCU’s Regulatory Compliance School. After school, we’ll email a notice to anyone who bought the 2012 GPS after January 1, 2013, letting them know how they can download the 2013 GPS.

Remember:  One purchase of the GPS provides access to your entire credit union (or organization).  Additionally, all attendees of NAFCU's 2013 Regulatory Compliance School will receive free access to the 2013 GPS (so those credit unions sending someone to School don't need to buy).  


NAFCU's Compliance Conferences.  NAFCU offers two compliance conferences each year.  Our Regulatory Compliance School is offered each March in the Washington DC area.  Our Regulatory Compliance Seminar is offered each October at different locations throughout the country (2012 was Seattle, 2013 is Nashville).  

What is the difference between School & Seminar?  School provides attendees with a strong foundation of the regulations and laws that credit unions need to follow in order to operate.  We walk through topics such as Credit Union Bylaws, Share Insurance, the E-SIGN Act, Regulation Z and many others.  School is also the perfect location to obtain your NAFCU Certified Compliance Officer (NCCO) designation as the exams are given on-site the day after the material is covered.  

While School's schedule and focus is similar year to year, Seminar's content depends on the regulatory environment that credit unions are facing.  Seminar features "Hot Topics" and "Regulatory Updates" as well as full sessions on new or changed regulations (2012 included sessions on Remittances, Mortgage Servicing, TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosures, and more).  Seminar is also the perfect place to earn credits to renew your NCCO (attendance at Seminar provides 24 CEUs - enough to recertify for 2 years).     

Bonus for Registrations Before January 31st:  Register for any of NAFCU's conferences - including School & Seminar - using the code "NEWYEAR" by January 31, 2013 and save an additional $100 off the registration fee.  This $100 is in addition to the early-bird rates (School's early-bird rate ends January 11th).    


NAFCU's Upcoming Webcasts.  NAFCU also offers webcasts on numerous issues - including many focusing on the evolving regulatory environment.  For example, we have 3 webcasts slated for January:

Don't forget:  You can also purchase any of NAFCU's on-demand webcasts that were aired in 2012.  

NAFCU's Annual Unlimited Webcast Subscription.  Instead of buying each webcast separately, you can also purchase NAFCU's Unlimited Webcast Subscription which provides access to all of NAFCU's 2013 webcasts.  We have over 20 webcasts planned for 2013 and there will be a heavy focus on compliance issues.

We also have special pricing on the webcast subscription for credit unions under $50 million in assets.   


NAFCU's Online Training Program.  NAFCU also offers a convenient option for training Board and Supervisory Committee members and New Employees.  Our Online Training Program features 19 modules (14 for Board/Supervisory members and 5 for new employees) for unlimited access by your credit union for one year.  Included are modules on BSA and Financial Literacy to help your credit union meet NCUA's training expectations.  The program also comes with transcripts and training documents to help you document your Board's training.  

Purchase of the Online Training Program comes with access to all 19 modules (as well as any new modules added) for one year - all at one price that varies based on your credit union's assets.   


NAFCU's Publications (members-only).  Also, don't forget to sign-up for e-alerts when NAFCU's Compliance Monitor (monthly) and NAFCU's BSA Blast and Staff Quizzes (quarterly) are available.  It is simple, just email us and we'll get you signed-up. Â