Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 14, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I'd love to be witty. But there will be none of that. 

Cause the L.A. Dodgers, just ousted my Nats. 

Image result for dodgers beat nationals

Now on to this week's reading pile...

  • Drones for good. Delivering blood in Rwanda. (Inc.)
  • Blocks. Chains. Miners. A fantastic TED talk on blockchain. (
  • The $5.8 billion argument for getting your flu shot. (WaPost)
  • Financial literacy is still "abysmal." (WSJ)
  • Jobless claims are low. But what happened the last time they were this low? A little bit scary...(WSJ)
  • What would happen? (Godin)
  • Malcolm Gladwell on the single biggest program every successful person faces. (Inc.)
  • An interesting podcast on hiring. (Association Labs)
  • One of America's biggest meat companies invested in Vegan burgers. (Motherboard)
  • Millennials are not big risk takers, and that could have a big effect on the economy. (LATimes)
  • Create trust, not clutter. (ShepHyken)
  • Government employees are quitting their jobs more and more. What does it mean? (BI)
  • Bill Gates thinks we're witnessing one of the greatest success stories in the history of global health. (BI)
  • Believe it or not, bees are doing just fine. (WaPost)
  • NFL ratings are dropping. (WSJ)
  • Maddon's prophetic speech guides Cubs to the postseason. (ESPN)
  • Nats fans...there's always next year. (

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Image result for sad nationals fan