Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 18, 2016

The Top 10 Leadership Traits: How do you measure up?

Written by Anthony Demangone

Boy, I wish you were here.

Yesterday, John Spence led a sold-out NAFCU Management and Leadership Institute through a powerful exercise.  

One-by-one, each attendee crafted the 10 leadership traits they wanted to see in others. And what they wanted to develop in themselves.

All of the individuals met in groups and honed their list. And then all of the groups discussed so that the entire room came up with one list. 

So what was that list? What are the leadership traits people want and need?

  1. Trust. A leader must be honest. Respect others. Be genuine. 
  2. A leader must be a good communicator.
  3. There must be passion - conviction and a strong passion for people.
  4. Leaders must provide a vision for the future.
  5. Leaders must be competent. 
  6. They must develop teams and develop people.
  7. Celebration of victories small and large is key.
  8. There must be a curiosity - and no fear of change.
  9. Good leaders must be self-aware.
  10. Leading by example.

How do you measure up?  Looking at that list, I see that I have a lifetime of development ahead of me. And that's a good thing! Hopefully, we'll see you next year for MLI in San Diego from October 2-5. 

NAFCU's Dan Berger, John Spence and me.