Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 25, 2016

There's only us...

Written by Anthony Demangone

My alma mater had a nice win last weekend over the Buckeyes.  

After the win, my friends from college and home all sent emails and Facebook posts celebrating the win.

And of course, a few of those posts and notes gleefully took some cheap shots at Ohio State, its team, and its fanbase.

Fast forward to this week.

I had the pleasure of speaking at the Ohio Credit Union CEO Roundtable. Nearly every person in the room was from Ohio. Quite a few attended Ohio State or have children there now.

You could not meet a nicer group of people. 

It puts things in perspective. And it is a great reminder.

It really isn't "them" and "you." 

There really only is "us." 

Image result for Penn State Ohio state shaking hands

Respect goes a long way.