Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 01, 2016

Six things that make me wonder

Written by Anthony Demangone

Perhaps it was the handful of candy I gobbled down at 11 p.m. last evening. Perhaps. 

In any event, last night I was awake, wondering about life's mysteries.  Such as...

  1. I wonder why they call it financial literacy? If someone held a financial literacy class when I was in high school, I would have given it a pass. Now, if you would have called it "How to become a millionaire," I would have been in the front row.
  2. I wonder how much longer we'll call "checking accounts" checking accounts? 
  3. I wonder why more financial institutions don't create an "emergency fund" savings account? Everyone says you need one. Perhaps it is nothing more than a name change, but sometimes, that counts for something.
  4. I wonder how many regulators ever held a job where they were responsible for making payroll? 
  5. I wonder what the next big sea change will be in financial services? The ATM. Online banking. Mobile banking. Remote deposit capture. What's next? Something with blockchain? 
  6. I wonder if there will be a breakthrough in management theory? There are technology breakthroughs. There seems to be less of those on the human side of things.

And yes, I really wonder why I ate that candy last night. I wonder if anyone has Tums in the office?


I wonder if I'll see you in any of NAFCU's conferences next year? We've added two new ones to the line-up!


A few Halloween photos for your enjoyment....

First thing I saw at NAFCU yesterday.
Snow White and the Seven Markerters
September showers bring October...ah, forget it.
My little "Rey."
Probably not the safest trick or treat costume....