Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 04, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Congratulations - you made it to another weekend. Pour yourself a cup of joe (the Demangone household has been fixated on Dunkin' Donuts Hazelnut recently), and settle in for this week's reading pile. I'm off to State College this weekend with my college buddies as Penn State does battle with Iowa. 

Now, on to the reading pile! 

  • Congrats, Dan and Brad. NAFCU members have two of the best association lobbyists working for them. (The Hill) 
  • U.S. consumption of gasoline is up. (BI)
  • Wells Fargo reputation taking a big hit post-crisis. 14% of their customers have bolted. (Financial Brand)
  • Tesla is raising the roof! Solar roofing tiles. Your roof could someday power your house. (Bloomberg)
  • Recession calls abound. But Calculated Risk isn't even on a recession watch. (Calculated Risk)
  • There's plenty of room on the island. (Godin)
  • Construction spending declined in September. (Calculated Risk) But manufacturing keeps expanding. (BI)
  • Think you are having a bad year? You could own a newspaper. (NYT)
  • This is framable. The idea awareness cycle. (Godin)
  • 6 terrible ways to end a presentation. Ouch. Been there. Done that. (BI)
  • A great interview. "Don't assume that somebody else has it all figured out." (Smartbrief)
  • Remember when you first heard of Vine and thought, "Hmm. Not sure how that will make money." You were right. (The Verge)
  • There's an interesting shift happening behind the scenes. Actively managed funds are losing money to passive funds managed by entities like Vanguard. That loss of Wall Street trading income is starting to really take hold. "Everything on Wall Street is shrinking." (BI)
  • Like lobster? Ever thought of the businessmen who haul it in for you? The business is yet another example of change. (The Atlantic)
  • The lost virtue of cursive. (The New Yorker)

I don't say this enough. It is an honor for us at NAFCU to serve y'all. Have a good weekend!

            -  Anthony

Image result for Penn state white out