Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 16, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

We survived another week, a rate hike, and a barrage of Christmas advertising. Pat yourself on the back - you made it to another weekend. Enjoy this week's reading pile.

  • NAFCU is fighting the NCUA share insurance premium. (Berger Leadership Blog)
  • We will soon start 2017. Here's a good reminder to have some patience. Remember, it was the worst start to a year ever in January 2016! (TRB)
  • Hmmm. The NFL will experiment with how they show commercials during their games in week 16. (BI)
  • A great interview with the CEO of Postmates. (Entrepreneur)
  • Weekly unemployment claims say low. Very, very low. (Calculated Risk)
  • Uber keeps innovating. Look out for colored lights to help you find your driver. (BI)
  • Amazon makes its first drone delivery in England. (WashPost)
  • Ugh. Yahoo says $1 billion accounts were hacked. Yes, that word started with a "B." (Inc.)
  • Everyone thinks they are very rational.And most of us are wrong. (ScientificAmerican)
  • FDIC trims budget, staffing for 2017. (ABAJournal)
  • Guess who is defending Dodd-Frank? (WSJ)
  • The Wells Fargo rot spreads to Prudential insurance. (CNN)


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