Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 03, 2017

A repetitive slog or another chance for perfection? It's up to you.

Written by Anthony Demangone. Powered by NAFCU

Happy 2017! 

If you aren't careful, though, flipping the calendar can lead to boredom. Or worse.

"Here we go again. We worked our tails off to hit goals last year, and we just hit the reset button. It never ends."

Sure, that's one way to look at it.

Another way is to see the opportunity. Were you perfect last year? Probably not. But we get another crack at it.

Image result for reaching for the brass ring

And will we be perfect in 2017? Maybe. Maybe not. But if you don't reach for it, you'll never get close.

There are those who see such opportunities in routine tasks.

To see this in all of its glory, I ask you to watch "Jiro Dreams of Sushi."  You can rent it on Amazon. There may be other ways to watch it. 

I've written about it before, but the documentary follows Jiro in his quest to make perfect sushi. It is moving, and a testament to the pursuit of perfection.

So I hope you join me in the question to knock it out of the park in 2017.  And if you need anything along the way, NAFCU is here to help.


Shameless plug alert. This is the last week to save $300 off any conference or online training product. We know you have choices, but if you plan on attending a NAFCU event in 2017, by all means - use the HOLIDAY code and save your credit union some money.  Find out more here.  

And while I am biased, I do think that our conferences and online training products are very good. If you want an overview of what we offer, just let me know.Â