Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 20, 2017

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Happy Inauguration Day, everyone. Our great experiment in democracy marches on. 

If you want to take a break from the TV at any point, settle in, and enjoy the best of this week's reading pile.

  • Fascinating graph showing jobs gained and lost under President Obama. (Big Picture)
  • IBM chief believes AI and automation will ultimately create jobs. (BI)
  • Meanwhile, automation may completely destroy these 10 jobs. (Fast Company)
  • Senators pushing Treasury to loosen marijuana banking restrictions. (Entrepreneur)
  • Weekly unemployment claims drop again. (Calculated Risk)
  • Yellen thinks we are near "maximum employment." (CNN Money)
  • Small business owners optimistic about hiring and investing in 2017. (Fox)
  • How to be heard. (Godin)
  • Fascinating article about how some financial decisions that you think are stupid, make a lot of sense to some people. (The Atlantic)
  • An interesting take. Perhaps one of the biggest cyber risks is organizational complexity. (Health Data Management)
  • JPMorgan loves branches. (Reuters)
  • Blockchain could save investment banks $12 billion. (Coin Desk)
  • And just what is blockchain? This TED video does the best job yet in explaining. (TED)

Have a great weekend, everyone. Even you Patriot fans! 


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I hope to see you in Charleston, South Carolina for NAFCU's 2017 Strategic Growth Conference.  This conference is designed for credit unions looking to grow. To grow members, loans. To improve their brand. Does that sound like you? Then come join us!  Click on the link above for more details, or email me. It takes place February 21 - 23.Â