Musings from the CU Suite

Mar 02, 2017

Two Rides, Two Experiences

Written by Anthony Demangone

I was in lovely Charleston, South Carolina last week. On my last day, I visited some local credit unions.

My last two Uber rides were remarkable.

The first of the two was a disaster. In fact, it never happened.

The driver didn't want to pull into the parking lot where I was. I had to carry my bags 100 yards to him. The back gate of his SUV didn't work. Then he demanded a tip before the trip even started. The tone of his voice was rude and demanding. I let him know that I enjoyed Uber because tipping wasn't mandatory. And then he said I probably had to find a new driver - and proceeded to cancel the trip, leaving me and my bags on the curb.


I tried Uber again. This time, a college student from the College of Charleston picked me up. He's studying international business and logistics. We talked credit unions. And Warren Buffett. About this and that. He was polite. Friendly. Professional. We shook hands when he dropped me off at the airport.


Same company. Two polar-opposite experiences. 

Image result for uber

We're all in the "experience" business. That day, Uber was 1-for-2.

And it got me thinking.

What is NAFCU's ratio? What is yours?

Just some food for thought. Have a great Thursday everyone! And let me know if you ever need anything from me or NAFCU. We're here to help. 


Did you know? I spoke with a state-chartered credit union this week that didn't know that NAFCU now serves both federal and state-chartered credit unions as full-fledged members. I understand - people are busy. So to recap, our board and membership voted last Summer to change our bylaws. Any federally-insured credit union can become a full-blooded NAFCU member and run for our board. Since then, about 1/2 of new members (about 90 since last summer and 190 in the past 18 months) have been state-chartered. Keep in mind - we limit our focus to the federal level, giving best in federal advocacy, education and compliance assistance. Not a member? Shoot me a note, and I'll let you know how NAFCU can help your credit union.Â