Musings from the CU Suite

Mar 03, 2017

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Flowers are blooming in my front yard. Spring training has begun. NAFCU picked up six new members this week.

It's been a good week!

Grab a cup of coffee, and dig into this week's reading pile. (Mandy switched up our coffee routine. I'm drinking a mocha-hazelnut blend at the moment.)

  • I don't want to be persuasive, said no one ever. Here are 9 tips to harness the power of persuasion. (Berger Leadership Blog)
  • Some data on vehicle sales. (Calculated Risk)
  • Weekly unemployment claims dip to 223k. Take a look at the chart inside this article. Claims haven't been this low since I was 2 years old. (Calculated Risk)
  • Bank loyalty seems to be on the rise. (Bank Innovation)
  • A fascinating article detailing how the decline in factory jobs has been affecting the formation of American households. (The Atlantic)
  • You may talk too much. (Leadership Freak)
  • Banks see record profits in 2016. (Reuters)
  • The world's biggest banks have been fined $321 billion since the financial crisis. (Bloomberg)
  • CNN has plans to dominate digital. (Hollywood Reporter)
  • Trump administration signals tougher marijuana enforcement. (Marketwatch)
  • The $74 trillion global economy, seen via a cool chart. (
  • 92 million Americans are not in the labor force. Just what are they doing? (WSJ)
  • You are a different person at 14 and 77. (Quartz)
  • The annual Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders' letter. A must read. (Berkshire Hathaway)
  • A nice piece detailing the Russian family that lived in such a remote part of Siberia - they were unaware that World War II happened. (Smithsonian)

Finally, more than a few of you chided me recently for the lack of Kate and Briggs pictures. It seems that many of you, and rightfully so, only put up with my shenanigans due to the chance of seeing or hearing about the Dynamic Duo. In the spirit of NAFCU extreme member service, here's a recent shot.  Have a great weekend, everyone!
