Musings from the CU Suite

Mar 16, 2017

What is the magic number?

Written by Anthony Demangone

Sometimes I stumble across something that surprises me. It just happened again.

How would you complete this question?

The most common age in America is ____?

If you said 54, that would mean there are more 54-year-olds than any other age.

So, what's the magic number? 


That's right. There are more 26-year-olds walking amongst us than any other age group. Here's a wonderful graph that breaks down all the age groups.

Do you know any 26-year-olds? What do they buy? How do they consume financial services? Information? How do they interact with companies? 

Those would be good answers to know. And now answers to how we interacted and did things when we were 26. But how these 26-year-olds do things.

When will they buy cars? Do they drive as much as previous versions of that age? When will they buy a home? What do they think of credit cards? Do they write checks? 

Unfortunately, I don't offer a lot of answers here. But sometimes a good question is all you need to get started.


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