Musings from the CU Suite

Mar 23, 2017

You are in control

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

When I write a blog post, it usually comes from an issue that has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time.  Such is the case today.

A few weeks ago, Dan Berger, NAFCU President and CEO, wrote a blog post about the habits of the determined and strong-willed. You can read the post here. And you can sign up for his blog here.

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I liked it a lot, and I've been going back to it again and again. 

Please read it. But let me sum it up.

There are some things you cannot control. That includes the past, the future, and many other things that simply are outside your ability to influence.

But successful people don't focus on that. They focus on what they can control. And they do it in a positive way that focuses on gratitude, hard work and self-improvement. 

It is a simple difference of focus and outlook, but it is a powerful difference.

Focusing on what you can do to tackle your problems puts you in the driver's seat. You start playing offense, instead of defense.

I think playing offense is more fun.


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