Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 06, 2017

Dreamers and Doers

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

A quick one today, folks. My friend Dan Rockwell wrote a beautiful piece about dreamers and doers. 

Both are needed. And we may have parts of both in ourselves.

But the two will generally clash. They just see the world in different ways. No one version is wrong. Just different.

Here's a snippet...

Doers think dreamers:

  1. Start too many things.
  2. Get distracted by shiny objects.
  3. Don’t finish what they start.
  4. Don’t understand how much work it takes to finish.

Dreamers think doers:

  1. Begin with, “No.”
  2. Drag their feet.
  3. Spend too much time planning.


We will work with both. We will lead both. This article is well worth your time.

So, a few questions.

  • Which are you? A dreamer? A doer? A bit of both?
  • What does your organization need more of today?
  • How do you get both to work with each other?

Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone.


If you like what Dan wrote, I think you'll like our Management and Leadership Institute. Often, we don't get much of a chance to think about what type of leader we want to be. We don't get the space and time to improve ourselves and how we work with others. This week is a deep dive into all of that. Leadership. Teambuilding. I have seen attendees in tears at the end of this conference. (Good tears, mind you.) There is something powerful when you see the switch flip in attendees. They realize their own power. They are recharged and energized to get back to their credit union and make things better. 

I love this conference!

Hopefully, I'll see you or someone from your credit union there in San Diego.

MLI17 San Diego