Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 18, 2017

Your Weekend Reading Pile

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

It may seem unfair, but summer seems to be winding down once again. The older I get, the faster seasons seem to move. But fall has its own majesty. The turning leaves. Crisp cool weather. Fall gridiron battles. Pick your pleasure. But for now, let's enjoy the last few weeks of summer.

Now, on to the best of this week's reading pile. 

  • The healing continues. REO inventory is down 30% YOY. (Calculated Risk)
  • Airbnb has more listings worldwide than the tip fine hotel brands...combined. (BI)
  • Imposter syndrome. You might be surprised by what it is, and who has it. (Fast Company)
  • Wal-Mart is punching back. (BI)
  • At the end of the day, you'll get more done if people like you. Here are 7 tips. (Berger Leadership Blog)
  • Have smartphones destroyed a generation? (The Atlantic)
  • What are your members' most common questions? And does everyone know how to answer them? (SheyHyken)
  • Uber wants to launch a credit card. (USA Today)
  • This is an interesting article about FinTech disruption in the area of purchasing stock. But buried in the story was this chilling paragraph:

The young founders of the company have big aspirations beyond the brokerage business:

Bhatt and Tenev, however, have an even loftier vision. As they see it, Robinhood’s current iteration as a “Buy Stocks” button on users’ home screensis just phase one. “Anything that you would be able to get walking into your local Bank of America branch office, you should be able to get faster, better, cheaper, with a much better user experience, from Robinhood,” says Tenev.

You can read the rest of the article here.  

Well, that should do it for this week. Just a reminder that the early bird deadline for our Management and Leadership Institute ends today. Get more details here. 


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