Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 25, 2017

Your NAFCU Weekend Reading Pile

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

It is the last Friday in August. Here's hoping your week, and your summer has been fun and fulfilling. 

It was a good week here. NAFCU met with the Treasury Secretary. And your association President, Dan Berger, was on Fox Business News discussing tax reform and regulatory relief.  

As always, thanks for what you do. America needs more of what credit unions offer. Let us know how we can help.

Now, on to the reading pile!

  • Inside Uber's financials. (Axios)
  • For the first time in a while, global economies grow in sync. (WSJ)
  • The secret ingredient to reaching the next level. (Leadership Freak)
  • A great reminder to all of us. Don't just go through the motions. (ShepHyken)
  • Rural towns are dying in Japan. What does that mean for the rest of the world? (TheAtlantic)
  • Now this, I believe. Wells Fargo CEO warns workers that scandal could grow. (USA Today)
  • Think rates are going up? Banks don't. (WSJ)
  • Americans are rejoining the workforce. (USA Today)
  • Where the robots are. (Brookings)
  • Wind power is all grown up now. (Bloomberg)
  • A neat update on transportation and logistics. (Business Insider)
  • Apparently, the use of emojis reflects negatively on the sender of an email. (Inc.)
  • Most consumers use cash fewer than 8 days a month. (Bank Innovation)

Well, that's it for the week. Make this weekend count, and I'll see you next Tuesday. 

  • Anthony