Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 04, 2017

Your Credit Union Weekend Reading Pile

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Holy cow, when did it become August?

Back to school sales, football training camps, and out-of-office replies to your emails. This can only mean one thing...we're quickly running out of summer. 

With that in mind, I'm heading north to Pennsylvania with K and B. They'll have a weekend full of fishing, ice cream, and grandma and grandpa.

While I can't slow down the march toward fall, I can serve up this week's reading pile. Enjoy!

  • Are branches dying? It's complicated. (FB)
  • USAA pilots conversational AI on Amazon Alexa. (Finextra)
  • Chick-fil-A sells 4 times as much as KFC. And it is closed on Sunday. Wonder why? (BI)
  • Hey Siri: Pay my cable bill. (Mobile Payments Today)
  • Qualcomm CEO is betting on big data, video compression, and network security for the future. (BI)
  • If you want to gross out your branch staff, have them read this: There are a lot of gross microbes on a dollar bill. (WaPost)
  • NAFCU members: Participate in our Federal Reserve Survey. (NAFCU)
  • Another article on the most common age in America - 26-year-olds. What they buy. How they buy it. (BI)
  • A good reminder that there are dangers amongst us. Four people barred from service in federally-insured institutions. All were insiders. (NAFCU)
  • A full list of 6,300 stores that are shutting down. (BI)
  • Venmo enjoys YOY growth of 103%. (BankInnovation)
  • Elon Musk: AI is a fundamental risk for human civilization. (NPR)
  • Cyber Risk: What your employees need to know. (NSC)
  • You find what you look for. (Leadership Freak)
  • Interesting article. Malls are in decline. But you wouldn't think that at the Mall of America. (The Observer)
  • 30 firms account for half the total profit of all US public companies. (Quartz)

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