Musings from the CU Suite

Sep 30, 2014

Yelling at the Television

Written by Anthony Demangone

I'm a football fan. I've been a Steelers fan since I slept in a crib.  I went to Penn State, as did both of my brothers. And my wife.

So, I believe it is my paternal duty to pass along my irrational love of football to my children.

This past weekend was not a good one.  Northwestern pummelled Penn State. And Tampa Bay shocked the Steelers with a last-second touchdown.

During the Steeler's game (long before full-misery set in), Tampa Bay was threatening to score. I asked Kate and Briggs to join me in making some noise in our basement. 

Briggs asked me why I was yelling.

"Because Pittsburgh needs to make a stop!" I yelled, standing up from the couch.

"Dad, actually, you don't control the Steelers, you know," he said, nonchalantly. Kate agreed.


That was wisdom beyond his years.

I don't control the Steelers. Or Penn State. Or many other things in this world.

Briggs' question was a simple one - why hoot and holler as if it accomplished something? Especially when it doesn't.

That got me thinking. 

  1. How often do we let emotion get involved in our work. Don't get me wrong, enthusiasm can work wonders. But emotions such as anger, jealously, fear...what do they accomplish? 
  2. How much time do we focus on things outside of our control? A Venn diagram would show that our world is likely divided into a number of categories.
  • Things that affect me, that I can control.
  • Things that affect my team or organization, that I can control.
  • Things that are outside of my control, but that I can influence.
  • Things that I cannot influence or control.
  • Things that don't matter, related to my personal strategic plan, or my company's strategic plan.    

            Where do you spend your time? Your passion? Your energy? 

Kate and Briggs are finishing up their first full month of kindergarten. I need to compliment their teachers the next time I see them.

Briggs and Kate seem to be off to a good start. 


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