Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 12, 2016

Why we do what we do....

I love Facebook. I'll admit it. 

Friends from high school. College. Friends from every nook and cranny of my life.

I can't see them as much as I'd like, but with Facebook - I get a peek into their life to see how they're doing. 

And as you'd expect, everyone has the same things going on in life. Work. Children. Family. Fun. With some bumps along the way.

But this time of the year is my favorite.


This is when I get to see all the photos of my friends taking a break and focusing on themselves and their families. 

The photos are wonderful - full of adventures and smiles. 

I know that in credit union land, we exist to make the financial lives of American's a bit more robust. Fuller. 

But at the end of the day, we all head home for a higher purpose. 

So here's to recharging. Here's to vacations. Because I'm a full believer that if you are recharged and happy in your personal life, everything else gets a little bit better as well.



She caught a pole
Kate caught a fishing pole. I couldn't make this up....




One programming note: Our Risk Seminar is filling up -seats are going fast. If you are interested, I'd secure a seat sooner rather than later.Â