Musings from the CU Suite

May 11, 2017

What would "she" do?

Written by Anthony Demangone

How do we make decisions? What should we do?

In Miami, I had the treat of listening to Drew Dudley. He's famous for delivering one of the top 10 talks on leadership for TED. 

In Miami, Drew tackled that question. 

How do we make decisions? What should we do?

Image result for drew dudley

Rather than delivering a long, complicated answer, Drew said something simple. 

"Imagine the person that is the type of leader you want to become. Ask yourself what that person would do. And then do that."


But here's the rub. Far too few of us take the time to accomplish the first part of Drew's advice. We rarely sit down and imagine what we want to become as leaders. 

Time is scarce. There's always something to do.

This year, please make the time for yourself or someone on your team. Consider NAFCU's Management and Leadership Institute. On day one, business leader John Spence will lead attendees through a powerful exercise to answer one important questions.

What type of leader do you want to be?  Here is the answer from one of his recent classes. 

It is powerful stuff. 

So I hope to see you in San Diego this Fall.


So Mandy and I have now had 9 wonderful years of marriage! 9 years...time flies.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and weddingImage may contain: 5 people, people standing, tree and outdoor