Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 28, 2015

What do you think?

Written by Anthony Demangone

What do you think?

Four simple words. Yet they may be the most powerful combination of words in the English language.

I can't think of a good reason not to sprinkle that phrase into every work conversation.

  1. It empowers others. When someone asks you what you think, it puts a skip in your step. If they value your opinion, they must value you. 
  2. It can only help you. Ask for someone's opinion on a matter, and one of two things will happen. You will either confirm your current thoughts, or the new input will help you refine your position. Either way, you are better off. What do you have to lose?
  3. It will get you thinking yourself. You ask them. They answer. Now you have something to think about. 
  4. It sets the tone. People tend to follow the input of those above them on the org chart. But when the people above them openly ask for opinions, it pushes the organization toward having more open discussions. 

So, I think I'm on to something here. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what I think. So...what do you think?


I'm proud to announce that we've created another new product for NAFCU members.

Today, we released a new salary comparison report, which compiles salary survey data at the state and metropolitan statistical area (MSA) level for selected credit union occupations. The report allows credit unions to track compensation trends for a wide variety of professions that are most common in the industry.

It is free for NAFCU members. Please be sure that people who work with your budget and your HR division are aware of this new product.

The story behind the new project is awesome. About a year ago, a credit union CEO called us and asked if we had salary information for his credit union in Kentucky. We didn't have anything, and he needed the information in less than a week.

Our research team doesn't like to say no, so they pieced together a report using publicly-available data. After helping the member, the division said...why don't we roll this out to the entire membership? 

Et voila! The idea for the new project was born.

With that in mind, never hesitate to let us know what you need as a NAFCU member.