Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 02, 2015

Uh-oh...that's not good...

Written by Anthony Demangone

All of us have had that moment. That sinking feeling that occurs nanoseconds after learning about a problem. 

No matter how well you plan, no matter how much due diligence you perform, problems will surface.

In a classic post from Seth Godin, he said organizations are truly judged by how they deal with problems.

I totally understand our focus on putting on a perfect show, on delighting people, on shipping an experience that's wonderful.

But how do you and your organization respond/react when something doesn't go right?

Because that's when everyone is paying attention.

And that goes for individuals as well. 

When problems pop up, how do you react? What feelings do you project?

I think this is one area where experience helps. Folks who have been bruised by a few rodeos understand that dealing with problems is part of the gig. But boy, problems do have a way of catching you off guard. 

So, grade yourself. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best), how well do you react to problems and set-backs at work?

Oh, to be six! The only problem here was the lack of additional whipped cream!