Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 13, 2015

Two Thoughts on Resolutions

First appeared at

Written by Anthony Demangone

Tis the season for resolutions.

I don’t mind resolutions one bit. I think self-reflection is a good thing. I think striving to improve is a huge force behind success.

I’d like to bring up two thoughts, though, if I may.

  1. Consider using more/less. I know that good goals are binary. Did you hit the mark or not? While the following idea may seem soft to some, I think it still fits the bill. Rather than hitting the gym every day in January, or losing 27.5 pounds, why not try to add or subtract things. Exercise more. Watch less TV. Write more thank you notes. Spend less on take-out sushi. It is hard to stop cold turkey or start from scratch. But gentle tweaks can make huge long-lasting gains.

  2. Don’t forget your strengths. Too often, resolutions are about things we don’t like about ourselves. Turn it around this year. Take something you do well, and amplify your efforts. Do you write well? Plan on getting published in your local paper three times this year. Have musical talents? Make a goal to play your guitar at a local nursing home.
One final thing. Take the two ideas above, and apply them to your credit union. What should you do more or less of as an organization?  And what is your credit union great at doing? Could you do more of it in 2015?
Here’s to a great 2015, everyone.