Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 27, 2017

Today's Choice

Written by Anthony Demangone

I'm sitting here at gate A-40 of the Denver Airport, and I have a choice.

To the right of me, there are a group of three people laying down, watching their iPhones. The three of them are blocking 8 seats, and they seem oblivious to the fact that there aren't many free seats in the area.

Am I peeved? No. But clearly, their behavior affected me at some level. I mean, I'm writing about it, right? But I can see some folks fuming as they try to find a seat.

On the other hand, as I sit here, I'm hooked up to the internet via WIFI. I'm writing on my laptop in Denver at 6:15  in the morning. And if you are reading this, my thoughts have been passed through the internet to you. I'm about to hop on a plane and fly to Washington. I'll start my day in Denver, and finish it in Arlington. I used a credit card to pay for the greatest thing in the world: an Egg McMuffin at 5:45 in the morning. My money slid through the ether from my account to McDonald's from my credit union. I'm reading updates from my colleagues at NAFCU on my iPhone. 

Just this morning, I've experienced a number of things that my great-grandfather would almost view as miracles. 

So, I can sit here and steam about people blocking seats. Or I can sit back and reflect on the amazing things all around me.

That's today's choice for me.