Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 10, 2015

Thanks! verus Thanks.

Written by Anthony Demangone


1.:  kindly or grateful thoughts :  gratitude

2:  an expression of gratitude <return thanks before the meal> —often used in an utterance containing no verb and serving as a courteous and somewhat informal expression of gratitude<many thanks>

It is a simple word. Or is it?

You write a three page memo that took you two weeks to complete. You send it as an attachment to your direct supervisor. And you get the following response.



Or a supervisor usually responds with "Thanks!" But today, it was just "thanks." 

People yearn for feedback, and they'll look at punctuation, capitalization, eye contact, body posture, and context. 

Are people being too sensitive? Should they get thicker skin?

Maybe yes. Maybe no.

But all of us would like to be as effective as possible when we communicate. The goal is to leave no doubt as to what you mean.

So, if someone knocks it out of the park for you, which email would be better?

  1. Thanks!
  2. Janet - this was very good work. The way you organized this memo made it very easy for me to digest the information. Please share the format with others on your team, as this was top-notch work. Many thanks!

All of us are busy. All of don't have enough hours in the day.

For that very reason, we need to slow down when we communicate. We need to engage and inform when we communicate. Taking a few extra moments when typing out an email can really move the dial.


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Also, NAFCU has a Holiday special going on for its 2016 conferences. I understand that there are many choices for education. And while I'm partial to what we do, you make that final choice. But I will say this...If you plan on attending a NAFCU conference in 2016, please book now and take advantage of the special. You'll save $200 on the registration fee. Learn more here.