Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 24, 2015


Written by Anthony Demangone

This week is a time for reflection. A time for being thankful. While nothing is more important than family and friends, here's what I'm thankful for...professionally.

The year was 1996. 

My meager belongings and I traveled south to look for work on Capitol Hill. Needing a job to pay the bills until I landed that "dream job," I took a job at Congressional Federal Credit Union. 

I quickly was ushered into the world of Mr. Filene. Cooperatives. Member-owners. And our industry. Those five years taught me tons.

After wandering through the desert of law firms for a few years, a friend spotted a job that I might be interested in. "I never heard of NAFCOO," I said. "But I'll give it a look." 

Funny how life works, eh?

Credit unions are the best friend of the American consumer. And I have a feeling that we're coming into our prime time. 

I have been lucky to be surrounded by an industry full of the best people our country has to offer. All of you have something special within you - the desire to make your communities a little bit better than you found them.  A desire to put people before profits.

There are too many of you to mention. But the laughter and good conversations through the years mean more to me than you'll ever know. I'm truly blessed to have stumbled into the path that I now call home.

So to make a long, rambling message no longer, I'll just end with this.

Thank you. For who you are and for all that you do.

And may you and yours have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving.