Musings from the CU Suite

May 21, 2015

Taking it for granted...

Written by Anthony Demangone

Last weekend, I had one of my favorite days. The family, including Ms. Greta, all got in the jalopy and headed to Shenandoah National Park.

We love it there. The mountains are majestic. The views are peaceful. 

Unnamed (1)
Kate and Briggs, soaking it all in.

Fast forward to this week.  A rare treat - work took me back to near my hometown.  On the way to a wonderful NAFCU member, I drove through the small town of Troy, Pennsylvania. Troy is a short drive from my hometown of Towanda. Just outside of Troy, I had to stop and take this picture.


You know, I don't think I appreciated how beautiful my stomping grounds were while I was stomping. Compare that photo to my picture from Shenandoah National Park. Perhaps it isn't quite as breathtaking, but it certainly is more authentic. At least to me. 

It does me no good to kick myself for not appreciating things more when I was a kid. I guess the lesson is this:

Too often, we wait until a retirement party to say how much we love a coworker. We either take for granted the things we have, or we pine for the things we left behind.  There are wonderful things all around us. The key is to find them and appreciate them today.