Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 22, 2015

Some random thoughts for this Thursday

Written by Anthony Demangone

Today, there's no sweeping theme. I have a few random thoughts that I can't shake out of my head. Hopefully writing them here will help quiet them a bit.

Deflate-gate. As I drove to work this morning, my radio informed me that the largest trending issue on Twitter was the controversy of the deflated footballs from last weekend's football game. If you don't know what I'm talking about, good for you. With all that is going on in the world and our country, the number one issue involves footballs. And whether they had enough air in them. Sigh. 

Time. Related to that, here's a great article on how some people play the victim when it comes to projects and time. (HBR) It is a good read, perhaps one for your management team. Everyone is busy, but not everyone plays the victim. The article is a good read. 

Winners and losers. I've read a number of articles about how wonderful the drop in oil prices is for the American consumer. Well, not for everyone. I'm now seeing a number of reports of layoffs, and damage done by lower oil prices. This one, for example, talks about how the lower prices are hurting a small town in Texas. (NYT)  It is a good reminder that for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. Or put another way, there's no such thing as a free lunch. 

Free RBC2 Webcast. NAFCU is hosting a free webcast this Friday on NCUA's Risk-Based Capital proposal. You'll hear directly from the rule's architect and Director of NCUA's Office of Examination and Insurance, Larry Fazio. We've also assembled a top team from across NAFCU divisions, to give you a multi-faceted deep dive into the changes and impacts. You'll also be able to ask questions of Fazio and the NAFCU team. Register here.

Have a great Thursday, everyone.