Musings from the CU Suite

Feb 09, 2017

Some good paternal advice

Written by Anthony Demangone

I can't recall when my Dad said this, but it stuck with me. 

Life, he said, is about balance. 

You want to balance the following, he stressed:

  • Your spiritual life
  • Your social life
  • Your work life
  • Your health

If you neglect one, life may get out of balance. Neglect two or more? Life will be out of balance.

I owe a lot to this man. Including my hairline.

His advice has served me well. But there's something he didn't mention that I have learned.

When you develop any one of those areas, it seems to enrich the other areas as well. It is easier to work your best when your health is good. I've found that a good group of friends does wonders for the soul. And reflection and devotion to one's faith keep you close to what is important. 

So, here's to paternal advice. And balance. 

Quick question: what's the best parental advice you ever received?Â