Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 05, 2016

The Simple Stuff

Written by Anthony Demangone

So I took the kiddos on a Disney Cruise over spring break.

There were awesome plays. And Disney characters. And tons of food. And cool excursions. And swimming pools. And fireworks. 

But the thing that was almost most amazing was the consistent excellent service. 

Smiles. They always called me by my name. "It would be my pleasure," was heard over and over. 

They had staff from all over the world. We met workers from the Philippines, Germany, Portugal, Serbia, Canada, Wales, England, India and Spain. And each would answer every question from Kate and Briggs. Every single one. 

And it didn't seem phony. Everyone seems legitimately happy to see us. 

But all good things come to an end.

After the cruise ended, we were trying to check our bags for our flight home. We asked someone if we were in the right line to drop off our bags. It was very confusing, and lots of people were confused. 

The airline employee was almost mocking in her tone as she pointed to a sign which said "Gold Member Luggage Drop Off." She walked off without helping anyone. By the way, neither of us are "gold members," whatever that was. 

I turned to Mandy and said...

"I guess it's official - we're not with Disney anymore."