Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 04, 2014

The Secret to their Success

Written by Anthony Demangone

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were eating together at a group dinner. Someone asked everyone around the table to list the single most important factor that led to their success. 

Gates and Buffet gave the same answer. 


Focus. Some people have it, and some don't.


It seems simple, but like most things - it isn't.

Each of us personally is pulled in so many directions. Our time. Our attention. Our energy. We have goals, but those goals so often conflict with where we are being led by others.

Professionally, it is the same. We get pulled. By email. By meetings. We can leave the office wondering what in the world we did all day! 

We all have plans, but do we have focus? 

So, three questions, my friends.

  1. Do you have enough focus?
  2. Does your team? 
  3. If not, what are you going to do about it?