Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 01, 2014

Respect and Engagement

Written by Anthony Demangone

Think back to when you were truly engaged on a project. 

Time flies. Creativity flows. Your engagement likely drove wonderful results.

Here's a problem, though: Only 13 percent of employees are engaged at work.

Now, that can depress you, or it can fill you with optimism. I'll take the latter, as there's so much room for improvement.

Here's an interesting finding from a study made by HRB. The more respect you get, the more engagement you enjoy with your work.


Now, here's another statistic that will either sadden or inspire you.

Half of American workers do not feel respected by thier boss.

So, to summarize...

  • Only 13 percent of employees are engaged while at work.
  • There's a direct correlation between respect and engagement.
  • Less than half of American workers feel respected by their boss. 

I hope I don't have to connect the dots, folks. But if I do, I'll let Ms. Franklin do it for me.  (YouTube)


Get'm while they're hot, folks. Today, NAFCU has a Cyber Monday special going on for the following two conferences:

  1. NAFCU's Strategic Growth Conference.  This is a great conference, focusing on the cutting edge of financial services. Payments, technology- and how are successful credit unions connecting with consumers in today's crowded marketplace. 
  2. NAFCU's Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee Conference.  Your credit union officials need to be here. I'll be conducting a one-day workshop during the conference that will educate and inspire them. At least I sure hope so! All too often, directors and other officials have some "hole" in their understanding of our industry. My workshop will fill in those holes and get everyone on a solid footing. The conference will also make sure your officials are up to date on everything - a great way to show NCUA examiners how they are fulfilling their fiduciary duties. 

The Cyber Monday special is for today only, folks.Â