Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 13, 2016

The Power of Podcasts

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

I was a little bit peeved.

My favorite radio show, The Tony Kornheiser Show, announced that it was going off the air. The show was hosted by Mr. Kornheiser, and it was a mixture of sports, culture, politics and a lot of D.C. conversation. It was going away!

Sort of. 

Actually, it was shifting to a podcast-only format.

I wasn't happy. I didn't understand podcasts. It wasn't in my routine. And now I didn't know how to listen to my favorite show. 

Finally, I broke down and looked into the technology.  

So make a long story as short as possible, I found that my smartphone had a podcast app. Not only did I find an easy way to listen to the new Kornheiser show, but I stumbled  into one of the best new ways for me to learn and be entertained. I now listen to about 6 different podcasts on a number of topics while I do dishes, pound away on the treadmill, fold clothes, or do other mindless tasks. 

Granted, I understand that many of you are already there. Bully for you. I know I'm not a trendsetter in many areas, except for fashion perhaps. However, I'm guessing there are other slightly ignorant, well-intending folks like me who might like this. 


Here's a great article on how to get started listening to podcasts. (Forbes)

Here are a few unintended benefits to podcasts...

  1. You don't miss out on episodes. I used to miss radio shows on a given day due to traffic, word, etc. But with podcasts, they queue up. You can listen to the oldest one first or vice versa. 
  2. Build your own radio station! Like sports, finance, history, etc.? There are podcasts for all of them. You can build a line-up that reflects you in all of your exquisite uniqueness.
  3. You can lose yourself in mundane tasks. I don't mind washing dishes now. Or folding clothes. My iPhone comes with me, and so do my podcasts. 

Is it for you? Maybe. And maybe not. But I was convinced it wasn't for me, and I was grossly mistaken. Now, here are my podcasts currently. What do you listen to?


Shameless plug alert. Are you going to a NAFCU conference in 2017? If you are (and you know you should), please use the coupon code HOLIDAY to save $300 off the price.  If you have questions about a conference...what to expect, the format, it is the right fit...just shoot me a note. I'd be happy to help.