Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 06, 2017

The Power of a Frown

Written by Anthony Demangone

At NAFCU, we're all gearing up for our 50th Annual Conference next week in Honolulu, Hawaii.

I'm going through my pre-conference checklist. What to pack. Drop off and pick up the dry cleaning.

Also on that list? 


That's right. I am reminding myself to smile.

Conferences are wonderful. They are fun! But if you are the host, conferences can throw you a few curveballs. 

On more than one occasion, I've had attendees walk up to me and ask if everything was OK. 

Nothing was wrong - I just seem to have a sour thinking face. Sour enough that friendly attendees wanted to come to my rescue. Frowns are powerful. But in the wrong direction.

It is just another reminder of the importance of body language. Your posture and expression convey so much information. But my frown was sending the wrong message.

If you lead people, you'll be watched. You likely control what you say. What you wear.  Facial expressions should be controlled as well. (I learned the hard way.)

Smile, and the whole world smiles with you. 

Or as Ricardo Montalban used to say on (dating myself) Fantasy Island....

"Smiles everyone. Smiles!

Image result for smiles everyone smiles