Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 19, 2016

Pepsi and Change

Written by Anthony Demangone

We all deal with change. But change can feel personal. It can make you feel like you are alone on an island.

Here's the thing - I'm not sure I could name an industry that is not dealing with a great deal of change at the moment. 

And enter Pepsi.

The headline drew me in..."Pepsi isn't a soda company anymore." 

 In the article linked above, it turns out that Pepsi's soda sales account for only 25% of its revenue. The company has branched out to healthy snacks and non-carbonated beverages.

Last October, Pepsi President and CEO Nooyi told investors that focusing solely on carbonated soft drinks was "a thing of the past." Instead, non-carbonated beverages are "driving all the growth in the whole industry."

I'm sure that thirty years ago if a Pespi executive would have heard her say that...lightning would have struck. 

I'm sure along the way there were those who said...don't change - we're soda people. 

Change happens. It seems we're in good company.
