Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 31, 2017

The Number of the Day: 34.4

Written by Anthony Demangone

Gallop measures employee engagement. Every single day. 

I took a look at the number yesterday.  

34.4 percent of Americans are engaged at work.  

Let me do the math for you.

65.6 are disengaged. 

Even if the numbers were 50/50, I don't think any of us would find it acceptable. But two-thirds being disengaged? That's saddening.

I don't know the answer here. But reading that number got me thinking, and talking to myself.

  • Do I think our number is higher or lower?
  • Is it trending up or down? 
  • What are we doing about it?

I wish I had more answers here. But perhaps the important thing is to simply start thinking about that number and what it means.